Ini adalah panduan dasar untuk menjadi mig33 admin helper yang disadur dari website-nya Wihono atau Icarus777. Silahkan disimak...
Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang cara menjadi admin's helper yang mendasar. Admin's helper adalah moderator helper room dan user-user yang ikut-ikutan help admin dengan berbagai motivasi. Kita sebut saja kedua jenis ini sebagai "HELPER".
Pada awalnya, tidak ada helper-helper-an. Pada tahun 2008, users yang request admin melalui pv chat ke admin. Admin pada saat itu bisa mendapat puluhan pv.
Karena terlalu banyak pv, admin mengajak beberapa orang yang dipercaya untuk membantu helping dengan cara checking room. Jadi kalau admin menerima pv request room, admin akan menginformasikan room tersebut di group chat. Dan helper ini akan mengecek ke room tersebut dan menginformasikan kepada admin apa yang terjadi.
Dengan group chat ini juga ada kendala apabila ada yang DC. Maka anggota yang di group chat harus meng-invite teman yang DC tadi ke group chat. Akhirnya dibuat lah helper room supaya tidak perlu invite group chat.
Karena room ini terbuka, room global, mulai lah user-user masuk ke room helper tersebut. Ada yang murni lapor karena roomnya rusuh, ada yang cuma nongkrong, ada yang cuma caper doang plus ingin eksis, ada yang ingin ikut menjadi admin's helper, ada yang cuma ingin melihat perusuh di-kick admin, dan lain-lain.
Dengan room helper ini, system kerjasamanya juga sudah berubah. kalau di GC, admin yang meminta helper untuk checking room. Sedangkan di room helper, helper yang menginformasikan room yang rusuh (cari-cari) atau check room berdasarkan request users.
Sebagai catatan, di mig33 tidak ada jabatan "ADMIN HELPER" atau "ADMIN'S SPY" atau sebutan yang lain.
Setelah sekian lama, akhirnya saya tergelitik dengan tingkahlaku para helper ini karena banyak helper, tetapi tidak tau cara dan tugas menjadi admin's helper.
1. Helper cuma treak-treak di room tanpa checking room, seperti :
- Done by admin xxx
- @abc room clear
- @xxxxx room
- Yang paling konyol: @ abc room check pls.Kalo check pls, lah buat apa ikut-ikutan helping??Yang parah lagi seperti paduan suara.
2. Banyak helper yang cek room seperti wartawan part timer, yaitu enter-lep room. Enter-leave room, kalo kena kick admin, heboh Kalau checking-nya terlambat, pokok ikut treak aja. Yang parah lagi, sudah masuk room telat, room-nya sepertinya tenang, langsung treak di helper room: done / clear. Padahal gak tau apa yang terjadi.
Yang paling kronis, kalau ada staff. Bisa kayak "kejar setoran" treaknya.
3. Help copy-paste. Kerjanya cuma copy-paste doang. Tidak cek room, tapi kesannya helping. Nanti kalau ada yang kasih info "done" atau "clear", ikut-ikutan done dan clear. Sungguh menggelikan
Sebagai helper, gak perlu "cari muka". Admin sudah peka dengan yang begini-begini. Orang tidak tulus pasti kelihatan.
Cara paling gampang, pakai logika. Posisikan diri anda sebagai admin, dan bayangkan. Maka anda akan mengerti. Kalo masih aja gak ngerti, ya sutra lah... forget it.
1. Checking room dengan benar. Bukan cuma ikut-ikutan treak dan heboh doang.
2.Informasikan room dengan jelas.
- Apa yang terjadi, flood, multi, enter-leave dll. Multi seri atau acak.
- Bila memungkinkan sebut id, sebutkan id-nya. Misalnya seperti flood single, auto welcome, copy text, mirror text, tidak sopan dan lain-lain.
Intinya berikan informasi sejelas-jelasnya. Admin akan lebih cepat bila mendapat informasi yang jelas. jadi sebelum masuk room sudah tau apa yang akan terjadi. Apa permasalahannya.Nama room
3. Beri update.
Informasi update sangat penting. Dengan informasi update yang cepat, admin tidak buang waktu dan bisa me-moderating room selanjutnya.
Contoh update seperti:
- Clear atau done by admin xxx, apabila room yang di-request sudah ditangani oleh admin lain.
- Flood stop
- Roll stop
- Multi leave
- Kicked by users
- dan lain-lain.
4. Stay di room yang rusuh. Bukannya enter-leave. Pastikan room sudah benar-benar tenang, baru anda leave room.
5. Kalau sudah ada helper lain di room yang rusuh, helper lain tidak perlu ikut-ikutan masuk. Gak ada gunanya.
Itu 5 point dasar yang harus diketahui admin helper supaya bisa benar-benar membantu users.
- Anda menjadi helper bisa saja kena misskick admin. Ibarat di real, sedang ada tawuran, anda malah menonton. Kalo kena batu nyasar, ya wajar.
- Jangan ketik apapun saat ada flood. Anda bisa kena lock admin dan ikut ke-kick admin.
- Jangan enter-leave saat ada roll enter-leave.
- Siap dimaki dan dihina perusuh.
- Siap dibomb PV, bomb GC, bomb pic, bomb call.
- dan lain-lain.
- Tidak untuk alasan pribadi. Banyak users yang jadi helper dengan tujuan dekat admin dan memanfaatkan admin untuk kick musuhnya dengan cara licik dan fitnah. Bahkan memperlakukan admin seperti jin. Kalo sama saya, nggak bisa hohoho...
Untuk menjadi helper level advance, anda harus mengerti "Elmu Warung Mbah Moo" yang tidak saya bahas di sini.
Happy helping ;)
Wihono - Icarus777
Now, I would like to talk about how to become admin's helper which is fundamental guides. Admin's helper is a helper room moderators and also users who want to help admins with different motivations. Let us refer to both types of these as "helpers".
At the beginning, there is no users called helpers. In 2008, users request admin's help will pvt that admin itself directly. So admins at that times could receive dozens of pvts.
Because of too many pvts, admins invited some people that they trusted to help them checking the requested rooms. So if the admin got pvt for room requests, that admin will inform which rooms to clear to the those peoples in the group chat. And this helpers went and checked the requested rooms and informed the admin what was happened in the requested rooms.
But with that group chat system also had obstacles such as DC. That made the members of the group chat must invited that dc members again and again to the group chat. So the helpers decided to make a helper room.
Because the room is an open room, global room exactly, users started to enter that helper room. Some users gave some genuine reports because his room is really in chaos, some users there are just parked their id in the room, some others just want to chat to maintance their existence, some want to be admin's helper, some just wants to see the marvellous of the admin-kicks, and many other reasons for users to enter that helper room.
With this helper room, the system of helping also has changed. If in the GC system, admin is the one to request the helpers for checking rooms. While in the room helpers, helpers is the ones who reported the troubled rooms (in some case, they are searching for requests and then pass it into the admins) or will check the room based on user requests.
Actually, in mig33 there is no position called "ADMIN helper" or "ADMIN'S SPY" or other titles.
After long observations, i got some objections by this behaviors of the helpers, because there is many helpers, but do not know how what is their tasks and obligations to become the admin's helper.
1. Helpers just shout only in the room without really checking the rooms, such as:
- Done by admin xxx
- @ Abc clear room
- @ Xxxxx room
More severe that kind of things is like a choir in a the helper rooms.
The most ridiculous thing is : @ abc room pls check. If it is said like 'pls check', what is the use of helpers?
2. Many helpers are just checking the rooms like a part-time journalists, that is only enter-left the requested rooms. Enter, leave room, tell the target in a room to get admin kicks, and then shout and cry When their checking is late, they are just repeating or said the room has clear. But they dont know what has actually happened in the requested rooms.
The most ridicolous as far as i see, if there is any staffs in the helper room, the helpers are shouting like they has works so hard.
3. A copy paste helpers. This kind of helpers are just doing nothing. No check room, but they just showing impressions that they are helping. If anyone said in room that this room has clear, they will follow to said that room has clear also. It's so ridiculous
As a helper, do not need to "showing face." Admins are used to this kind of peoples. Peoples with insincere intentions will known easily by the admins.
How to do helping in the RIGHT WAY?
The easiest way, use your logic. Make yourself in that admin's position, and imagine. Then you will understand the best way to help admin.
1. Checks the room in proper, not just shouting or pretending to be excited by admin's kicks
2. Inform the room clearly.
- Room Names
- What is actually happens, is there any flood, by multies or single id, is it multy or id entering, or already leave, it the multy series or random.
- If possible mention the full format of the id fully. For example, as a single flood, auto welcome, copy text, the text mirrors, slangs, and others.
The point of helping is to give the information clearly. Admin will be faster to clear rooms if given a clear information, because they have known before entering the room what is happening in that room.
3. Give updates. Updates for every impormations are very crucial. With a fast update information, admins will not waste time and be able to moderating the next rooms.Examples of such updates:
Clear or done by admin xxx, if the room is on-request has been handled by another admin.
- Flood Stops
- Roll stops
- Multi leaves
- Kicked by users and others.
4. Stay in the rooms that are really in trouble. Make sure the room has really fine and then you can leave.
5. If there is already another helper in the room, better you leave that room. There is no use of having too much helpers in 1 requested room.
That are the five basic points that should be known as admin helper so it will really help users.
Some other things to understand for helpers:
- You might get admins miskicks. That is acceptable, because you are 'in' the troubled room.
- Do not type anything when the flood is going on. You can get admin lock and strightly get admin's kicks.
- Do not enter leave a room when there is a multy roll going on in the requested rooms.
- Ready to get slangs words or insulted by the flooders or slangers or abusers.
- Ready to get bom pvts, gc, pics, calls, adds etcNot for personal reasons.
- Many users who become helpers is for the purpose to be close the admins and might uses that admins to kick his enemy by cunning and slander ways. Even treating the admin like the genie. If that thing happens to me, I will say No Way. Hohoho ...
So, for becoming a great helpers, a high level helper you must understand this "Moo Grandpa's Cafe Acknoledgement" which i have not discuss above.
Happy Helping ;)
Wihono - Icarus777